Monday, May 08, 2006

Yes, those are church ladies!

A little while ago, on out women's board of FNet (our church website), there was a post about the rather humourous idea that us girl at FT are in fact "church ladies". Somehow this conversation thread morphed into the idea of us outwardly showing our church lady status by having what we dubbed "H&G day" or "Hat and Glove Day" at one of our Sunday services. Last night was the night. A few of us FT women put our best hats forward and had a great time of it!

Roshan totally stole the show with her glam church lady style. Oh, and of course there was Nadine who did the crazy church grandma bit with her cane. Hehehe. Next step church pirates! Yarr!

1 comment:

Roshan Grossman said...


That WAS fun :D

Totally didn't think you'd post that pic :P