Sunday, May 28, 2006

Like an inside joke

Sometimes I think knowing God is like being a part of a really great inside joke. He gets me in certain ways, in fact, He knows me better than I know myself. There are moments where you just see things happen and you know it can't be a coincidence. I find myself then laughing or pointing at the sky saying "Tricky!". And I'm not angry, I want to do nothing else but smile. This weekend I totally felt like it was one of those moments.

Most of my Saturday was spent running around doing errands, but it started to slow down in the evening when I went to see X-Men 3 with Karl. After that I was scheduled to go to a karaoke party with some of the people from Queen's Players Toronto. Now, I must admit part of me was kinda leery about going because I know that I have the tendency to let my "wild side" creep out when I'm around these people - mostly because they all remember me as that girl from Queen's. I went anyway, going with a "be good" look from Karl. And here comes the smile - lately I've been really weak at defending my wild side and so I just paused and asked for strength, and just like that I went into the Gladdy. And things were great - I talked with my newly wed friends about the value of marriage commitments and I chatted with friends and I spent most of the night bonding with two girls and not being a flirty bad girl. It was brilliant. Furthermore, at the end of the night I had a long convo about God with a good friend, and came home to some amazingly encouraging words on my blog comments from Ericka. Wow. It was like God saw my heart, but ran with things.

Today has been great too - I walked to church, and as I walked in the sun, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with God's love. It was great. Everything made me smile, and I took a moment to reflect on some of the work He's asked me to do. And just like that, God answered some more fears during church. Amazing.

I like being on the inside.

1 comment:

Ericka said...

ya, it's pretty fun being on the inside. :)