Monday, November 19, 2007

What's in a name?

The wedding plans are coming along - we get married in just under two months, and I find myself relatively calm. M and I have our moments of freaking out, but overall, we're getting everything sorted. For me though, I've got one other thing I need to work through: changing the name.

I don't think as a little girl, or even a year ago, I could comprehend what it means to say you're going to take on the name of the man you are to wed. It's not a new concept, and it's not even a strange one. In fact, it's a tradition I kinda like and have never had the intention to go against. But now that's it coming down to crunch time, I find it's making me jittery and I'm getting a strange case of cold feet.

And the worst part is - I'm not sure why! Obviously, it's a HUGE change. I won't be "me" anymore - but I'll be something new, something different - a new covenant. And that's sooo awesome. But still, I'm finding it hard to look at my name - the name that I have come to know and love for 26 years, and I think "I won't be that anymore!"

Girls out there - how have you deal with these mixed feelings? Seriously. (This is of course going on the asumption I still have readers - it has been AGES!)

I'd love to get some feedback!