Thursday, July 20, 2006

Explosion or slow burn?

What do you think is better, or even more likely of these two scenarios: falling in love at the first encounter with someone or falling in love gradually with a best friend?

I've been thinking about this lately - clearly I'm too into reading the romance in Anne of Green Gables. None the less, I'd love to hear thoughts on this. I must admit my jaded heart leans towards the second. But it's in God's hands.

All precious things discovered late
To those that seek them issue forth,
For Love in sequel works with Fate.
And draws the veil from hidden worth.
- Tennyson.


Anonymous said...

Maybe love is always a muted thunder of rolling explosions, whether sparked from an initial flash or found building just beyond the horizon.

Somehow I doubt "in love" is an on/off switch--rather an ebb and flow: bound by trust, fed by rain.

girl said...

Wow. Thanks to whoever wrote that. I think that's a great way of describing things.

chub said...

I don't think you can love someone at first site. You can like them, find them interesting, attractive, personable, etc., but love takes time. That's not jaded, Fel, it's real. And how you respond to those feelings is in your hands. You have free will.

Rachel said...

I agree that "love at first sight" does not exist. That which we call love at first sight is only infatuation, lust, or some cheap cousin of love. For someone to really love you for real, I think they have to have insight into who you truly are, and that takes time. Otherwise, they don't love YOU, they love their IDEA of you and that's a totally different thing.

Roshan Grossman said...

I think that you can have both....and that's probably how you know it's the good's about the kick-off AND the continuous, developing follow-through.....they're not mutually exclusive. Love can begin at first sight and grow from there....if it is the real thing, from beginning to end is part of a would be really difficult to say "this part was love, but that part was just lust/infatuation." That does come from a more retrospective vantage point, but I think that you can also have a glimmer of "knowing," when, in a moment, your heart recognizes the other person.