Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Anne of Green Gables

I must confess to you all, one of the best perks about staying at my friend Kate's place is that she is a HUGE Anne of Green Gables fan and I love it. I myself also grew up watching Megan Follows and Jonathan Crombie play Anne and Gilbert respectively whenever I could. I also grew up watching Road to Avonlea. I love the world created by Lucy Maud Montgomery.

A little while ago I thought it would be lovely to read these books, the WHOLE series, seeing as I never have. I've only had the first one read to me as a child. I figured it was about time. When I was home last month, I wanted to get the books from Mum and Dad, but of course they were still tucked away somewhere in the house, never having been unpacked after the move from Labrador. Oh well. I thought I'll just buy them. But alas - not entirely to my surprise - my friend Kate has the entire series sitting in her room, and I've taken advantage of this. I've already read Anne of Green Gables and Anne of Avonlea. I'm currently on to reading Anne of the Island. Sigh. I love every word.

Not only is it a great story full of funny little adventures, there is just something magical about Anne that you can't help but love. She's romantic and imaginative, yet strong and practical. She's got drama queenish tendancies and so much love to share. I love how she is described as having glowing eyes and an infectious personality. We could only wish to be such a type of "flame" in this world. Plus, she's Canadian, and that's really cool too! Add in a romance with a great man, one that just kinda creeps up and blooms - sigh!

All in all, it's a very inspiring story. There are elements of hope and love that really just make you want those things. To go from being a girl that no one could love to a girl so valued that she changes the lives of those around her, well, there is little worse in the world. Sigh again.

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