Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Morgan Spurlock was right - UPDATED

Revised Title: Morgan Spurlock was right about McDonalds feeling icky*

I did it. I ate some McDonald's tonight, for no good reason other that I felt like a little bit of greasy food and there it was...Now I feel like it's all just sitting there. I don't feel ill, just lathargic...but that may also have to do with the fact that I only slept 4 hours last night and have been awake since 4:45 am...


* updated in light of fact that Morgan Spurlock has recently made some politically incorrect statements in from of teens when visiting a school, therefore he is not right about everything. :)


Rachel said...

You rang?

...and PC-ism sucks.

girl said...

hahaha. Yes, I learn from the best. :)

Anonymous said...

what did he say???

girl said...

Random girl,
Check the story out here