Friday, October 28, 2005

Internet, sweet Internet

Ok, so I'm officially rediculously a product of my environment - I can't help but admit that I've truly been missing the internet as of late. I mean, really, you're thinking, she's on vacation in Africa, it can't be a major thing, but all the same, the fact that I haven't been able to get online until now has actually driven me a little nuts. Yikes.

So, to all of you out there that have been checking this blog for info on my trip, I'm sorry you're not hearing from me until now. I only got online briefly yesterday for the first time and I just had time to write a few quick emails before having to rush off. Today I am slipping away to write this whilst my mom, aunt and sister are doing a few errands in the mall. So, I shall quit this message and try and write a few more installments about my trip with better titles.

Just know I miss you all, and I'm thinking of Canada, but I'm having a great time on the Western Cape, and I've got tons of pics to share when I get home! See you soon!

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