Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I'm in love with Ryan Gosling

Last night, after a fairly crappy work day, I went to see the movie Half Nelson with Robby J, Karl and Soojeen. I mostly went because K and RJ are my boys, and I love them dearly - how could I resist some quality time with them. Also, the movie stars Ryan Gosling, whom I have loved since his days on the Mickey Mouse Club, and features music by Broken Social Scene. Can this be a bad movie?

I'm honestly not going to give a review of it here - it's something I suggest you all go out and see. I know I shall be watching it again because I feel I didn't catch half of it's subtext. It's really well done, and it's just totally worth watching. Ryan Gosling is very talented. Wow. He always picks very good, rather independent seeming movies, and he does really, really well. This is another great example. Go see it.

On another totally superficial note - Ryan is beautiful in this movie. Really. I was totally digging him. He wears vintage clothes in a somewhat badass kinda way, but they look GOOD. He's got these sunglasses and scruffy beard - mmm... He's definately my "type" in this movie. Wow. And well, ladies, that alone makes the movie worth it.


Stephen Johns said...

...and for a different take on the movie, why not go to my blog and see how I reacted to Half Nelson? (scroll down to the "Talia? This One's for You!" entry). I think you'll find it was much different from yours. ;)


Anonymous said...

Hey Fel...thought I would check out you blog and see what you had to say...very cool indeed...GR.