Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Good morning, good morning!

I feel good this morning. I'm still a little tired, seeing as I am in desperate need to kick my MSN/internet habits late at night (every now and then I give in), but all the same I feel more positive. Maybe it's because I'm deliberately trying to find some space away from the heavy drama that has clouded my personal life as of late. Maybe it's because prayer is paying off (YAY GOD!). Either way, I feel good today.

I'm just hoping taking some space will be good. I really, really, really love my friends, but things have been taxing recently. I've tried so hard to support and encourage them. I've listened, I've done what I can. But I'm teetering on breaking point in some areas, and quite frankly, I've been very hurt in others. I'm treading along resentment and I don't like it. So, I'm being selfish. I'm getting out for a bit. I doesn't mean I've stopped loving you all, I just need a little self-preservation time. I need my Shepherd to lay me down by still waters and to refresh my soul. That way, I can learn to love them better by loving me a little.

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