Saturday, January 20, 2007

Breakfast of champions

This morning I woke up, kinda tired, but smiling after a great evening out at the Drake with M and his crew. (Happy birthday Kenneth, and props to BK for organizing). I rolled out of bed, played with the now tamer kitties, and then shower and headed out for breakfast with Kevin, Adam and Alain. So random but so much fun!

Turns out the boys had a really crazy night last night too - the most of which was apparent by the lovely look to Adam's face this morning. Seems he threw up and threw down all in the name of JD. Hahaha! So hilarious! Breakfast was good - good conversation about life, politics and making a difference in the world. Really appreciated. It's good to know that there is conversation out there that isn't just about relationships and poo.

1 comment:

marty said...

Sorry if people talked about relationships and poo too much on Friday night. People are nosey.