Thursday, December 07, 2006

Holiday sweaters

It's been ages, and I've been busy, so excuse the neglecto-blogger once more...

Last Friday, I got invited to one of my favourite things - A THEME PARTY! Woo(t)! Yes, all it was a holiday sweater party. The object of it was to find a hideous holiday sweater, embrace it, and where it. So fun! I got the invite mid-afternoon on Friday, roped in a partner in crime (Eee) and then went to the Sally Anne to get my outfitted. I managed to find a few really great things.

The first was a very awesome light up Christmas tie. Yes, it also play Christmas music. It outfitted Enoch's man vest. I also got a fun gold sweater I would actually wear. Then I got a kids Christmas t-shirt. I would also wear this. And last but not least the hideous sweater. A giant blue frilly/mohair sweater that's out of the 80's. Something borederline ('cause all girls know the object is to be outfitted for the party, yet cute at the same time). It was great. Mostly because my outfits started to outfit half the party, and also because they were useful in the small photo shoot I did to my friend Mae before I went.

Either way, the evening was a success. I had the most fun I've had in a while, and I cherish the memories.

In fact, it's pulling me through another long week of work.

I can't wait 'till Christmas.

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