Friday, December 29, 2006

I hate myself and want to die... the name of the book my aunt sent to me this Christmas. It's a very witty book all about the author, Tom Reynolds, voted 52 most depressing songs you've ever heard (in fact, that's the second part of the title). The minute I saw the book, I began to chuckle. It's got the saddest looking moth eaten bunny on the cover, and well, if anything it's an interesting title. Then I started reading. Ha!

This book is irresistable when it comes to wanting to read it out loud. Really. I was reading entire chapters to Mum and Wends, and I could barely finish sentences because of laughter. It's the kinda book where you want to quote whole passages because it's just that damn funny. For instance:
" order for critics to take you seriously, you had to follow a specific formula:
1. write a song with really depressing lyrics.
2. sing it with a shitty voice."

And that's just in the intro.

Basically, Reynolds breaks up his songs into categories such as:

  • I Hate Myself and Want to Die - "self-pitying songs in which the singer is under the delusion that his or her personal problems are of great interest to everyone"
  • She Hates Me, I Hate Her - "a couple's crumbling relationship is put to music, then dumped on listeners, who are expected to act as unpaid therapists"
  • I Mope, Therefore I Am - a hall of fame of "songs by artists who've built their entire careers out of bumming the shit out of everyone"
  • Perfect Storms - "the absolute most depressing"; songs of "Live Wolverine Shoved Down my Pants proportions"

If you get a chance, pick up a copy. Trust me, it's worth it.


Johanna said...


This book sounds pretty funny, so funny in fact, that you should bring it on over for some tea time and girly fun.



Anonymous said...

That book sounds fantastic. There are a lot of depressing song out there, it's nice to know they're now categorized for listening.... pleasure?