Friday, September 29, 2006

In the Kay-Dub

Earlier this week, I was in KW again for work. It was really great to see my entire team back together again - we all work in three different cities, so even if we talk every day, we rarely get that face to face fun. It was great. We chatted lots, and worked lots. And we also took the time to have a very trash talked filled game of pool. Ha! So fun! I'll never forget Chugosh's face when I landed a fluke fancy shot after missing every other ball!

The venture was also good because I got to stay with Mum and Dad for a few day - Mum gave me a great red/black lamp for my birthday - perfect for the living room. We also had a good friend of the family visiting from England, and I didn't think I was going to get a chance to see her. Very cool.

The only downside? In Waterloo I swear all you do it sit and eat. I ate so much that I can't help but think I'm glad I don't have to live through what we've affectionately "Watermoo Days" that often.


girl said...

Yes, I am.

girl said...

Thanks. Why are you proud? Just curious?