Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"Adventures in workland" or "there and back again"

Talk about being on an adventure wagon today. Right in the middle of one of my calls today, I encountered a slight problem - I got something in my eye, or so I thought...I tried to push through and finish the call, but my eye was watering and it was messy. (You know how fussy mascara is, right ladies! ha!) It turned out that my left contact lens had actually ripped! I managed to pluck it out, but in two separate halves! Ugh!

Honestly, I was flabbergasted. I had no idea what to do because I had no supplies with me to deal with this seeing as it has never happened to me before! Yikes. I couldn't see anything at all! I had to leave work, take the TTC an hour all the way home, get new contact lenses (and reinforcements to put in my desk) and then hop on the TTC to come all the way back!

Oh, the adventures that my left eye has managed to cause this week! Sigh.

At least it's not purple.

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