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Over the weekend...
Over the weekend I looked up my uncle's website for his artwork, it's now posted on the side. Please check it out! He's an amazing painter - all self taught. He also does wood work and he's a fantastic handyman. He's still going strong, even after he lost a thumb and forefinger in a carving accident.
For years I've been blessed to know his work, but I hadn't really seen much until I went to Africa. He has tons of work around the house. Below is my favourite picture, it hangs in the front hallway of 27 Vlei Rd, and I used to look at it every day while drinking my tea. Hope you like it too!
Looks like quite a nice painting.
Somewhere along the line I have picked up quite an appreciation for colour when I realized that all humans are somewhat colour blind. We often prize ourselves that we are not like dogs who are colourblind, but fail to realize that there are more than merely red, green and blue.
I like Earl grey (except for the sharp aftertase)
-== Some Joe Schmo ==-
Good composition & colours. Nicely balanced image. Your uncle is an excellent painter.
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