Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A weird head space

Aside from the weirdness of being jet lagged, the last few days have been interesting - I've ended up in a strange head space, and I'm not really sure what it means. There was something about going away that allowed me to have a little bit of space from some of the crazy dramas that seem to happen here in the city, and I was able to get some much needed perspective. Drama isn't always necessary, and it's all relative.

Seeing my family, and knowing some of the history that they have survived made me stop and think - I've had it pretty good here in Canada. Really. I could have spent my life in Africa, had to deal with major political change and tough times, but my parents chose to leave for myself and my sister. Times have been hard here too, but still I've always felt relatively sheltered. So the dramas are all relative.

I guess it does make sense that I'm in a weird head space - I'm resisting all senses of drama here. I feel it. I don't want to deal with it. This doesn't necessarily mean that I am being surrounded by tons of it, I just don't want it to come. Yet I can't explain it, I feel like something is going to happen soon - my "faye" tendancies might be acting up - and I just have a feeling like something is going to change soon, for better or for worse I don't know. It's just a weird sensation and a weird head space.


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