Wednesday, March 14, 2007

A turn for the better

So, having a boy around who loves to board is definately a bonus. Especially when you've been wanting to learn since high school and you haven't quite mastered a few skills on your own.

Last Sunday evening, M, his friend Ben and I drove up to Blue Mountain to take advantage of one of the last nice days of the winter to board! It was gorgeous weather - you barely need to double layer your gloves, and the snow was pretty good too! It was here on that day, with a little help, I had a major triumph - I learned how to turn uphill (and not faceplant in the snow). It was amazing! I did it! WOOT!

Next thing I knew, I was heading down the hill faster, getting up some more speed on my turns and I was stepping into becoming a real boarding betty. Yess! I have missed that feeling ever since I left Labrador. Now I'm hooked!

I guess this means I'd better save up some cash for a board of my own.
(See the one I want above)
And the other best part was getting to share it with M and all his friends. That's just an added bonus. Hugs to you all!

1 comment:

marty said...

that's my betty. you rock'd the slopes.