This weekend I decided to take on another adventure. Yep, it was about meeting the parents. M's parents, of course, seeing as I've met mine.
So after work on Friday, M and I left the city to head down to Lambton county - more specifically to the chemical valley, aka Sarnia. Even more specifically we went to Sombra. It's a thriving community of maybe 200 people. Very pretty, but you'll see in a minute why I mention these facts...
The drive was good - we made fairly good time once we got past the Friday commuter traffic. It was a nice drive, as M and I got to spend some quality time together. Before I knew it, it was 9 pm and we were pulling into his parents driveway. Then the meeting happened - both of his are really nice, and his puppy Winston is super cute. We had a good, though brief, visit before hitting the hay for the night.
The next morning, however, presented me with a different view of the tiny little Sombra. Yep - I awoke to M asking me one simple question "Did you take the iPods (meaning mine and his) out of the car?". My response: "No". Oh crap. Turns out both of them were gone, gone, gone. GAH! It seems the door might have been left open and someone got in and took them both.
The good news - we didn't lose the cell phone, wallet or expensive sunglasses we also foolishly left in the car. But still - the iPods...
Later that day we tried to put it out our minds and focused on family time. I got to play hockey with M's brother and nephews. It was a lot of fun, and lunch was great. Really, I just felt really welcome, and that meant a lot to me. It was a successful day. I think I'll be welcomed back..
That evening we headed of to Wendy's to join her Hawaiian party. It was good to have a chance to meet her friends, and to have Wends meet M. Wends ended up getting up some really strange and funny outfits for Value Village, and we all looked pretty silly. It was nice. It's just too bad I couldn't taste any of her Hypnotique breezers (stupid lent...)
Sunday was all about breakfast and then heading out, but not without raiding Wendy's CD collection first. We made it home in under 3 hrs. Safe and sound. And iPodless.